Last Updated on April 14, 2022 by
When you decide to pay for sex, prices are among the most important questions. Obviously the cheapest solution is banging a street prostitute, but if you want to spend your time in a higher-standard place, streetwalkers are not for you. There are brothels which are more expensive than screwing a woman in a gateway or in your car.
But one thing is sure: you can expect higher quality for the money you pay in a brothel. However, you still have to be careful if you don’t want a huge bill, because many brothels applies the phenomenon called “taxi scam”. It means that the management of the brothel pays commission to the taxi drivers who take a client to the spot. This commission can go up to €50. And then the bar’s owner wants this money back from the client. Furthermore they want their own profit too. In this case you can expect huge bill at the end of your sex adventure.
If you want to avoid this situation, you had better to get information in advance on the internet and go to the place by public transport or some other way that’s possible.
Of course if you have chosen brothels to spend your time, you still can realize big differences in prices. It depends on the quality of the service. Small and dark bars obviously are cheaper than a pretty, large and clean place. You will experience it both with the prices of the drinks in the bar and the service of the girls in the room.
As for the drinks the prices usually rise up from €9-10.The sex with the girls usually begins at a price of €50 for half an hour. If you book an hour it may cost you €100-150 as an average in a brothel that is worth visiting. Of course there are extremely high prices such as €200 for an hour but the average is lower. Take your time to compare the prices on the web or personally and you can make the decision that fits for you the most.
If you want more information about the sex scene in Vienna, check out these articles: