Not too long ago, we found some information in a local forum about Maxim Wien. According to the information, the Vienna brothel is open for business once again. Read further to find the source of the info, as well as our opinion on the brothel!
Information about Maxim Wien’s reopening
The info about Maxim reopening came from the Sex Vienna Forum, where the admin posted the following:
“According to the latest information that we got, Sexclub Maxim Wien is opening today in the evening. We are still waiting for an official statement and will update the article with further information. Until then, tell us what you think about Maxim reopening!”
A couple of comments by other users followed, confirming that the brothel is in fact being opened. As far as we know, Maxim is working at 100% capacity and is ready for clients once again! Take a look at the SV Forum to see what other users had to say about the brothel’s opening.
Also, in addition to the actually brothel opening up, the escort service of Maxim is also fully functional and the girls can be booked for a hotel or home visit. Looks like they are back to their normal operations again, since plenty of girls are back. Check out Escort Girls Vienna (EGV), the official Wien Escort agency of Maxim Wien.
Our opinion on brothel Maxim Wien
We have had our fair share of experiences with this brothel in the past. In fact, we honestly think that Maxim is among the best places to visit for sex in Vienna. The people behind the brothel are professionals who know how to handle clients and give them what they want.
The club is located in the central area of the city, so this is yet another point for Maxim. The girls who work there usually give good service, and those who don’t usually get booted from the brothel after a while. This shows that they care for their clients and want the best for them. The rooms in the brothel are also clean and aesthetically pleasing.

All in all, our personal experiences with Maxim Wien have been flawless and there are really not many negative things that we can say about this brothel. And this is exactly why we are excited about it being open again!
If you wish, you can learn more about this Vienna brothel by reading the review that we published about it. Check out the Brothel Maxim Wien Review 2017 for more information!
We are happy to announce that it seems like Maxim is opening up again for the masses. Hopefully, some of the best girls will stay in the Vienna brothel and a couple of new ones will start working here too. As far as we know, most of the ladies who used to work in Maxim are making a come-back, so you can expect to see a few familiar faces when the doors of the brothel open up.
If you want to learn more about the brothel, check out their website and let us know in the comments below what you think about Maxim and the fact that the brothel is coming back to the Vienna sex scene!
Maxim Wien Info
Sex Club and Night Club Maxim Wien
Kärntner Str. 61, 1010 Vienna, Austria
+43 699 17172031