The recent change in Germany’s laws has stirred up a lot of dust for both prostitutes and pouters. It has one year since they were introduced. They brought a lot of restrictions, because of which going to a brothel won’t ever be the same. Some of these are the prohibition of sex without the condom and it also drove the prices to increase in numerous German FKK’s, according to the reports we got. This is happening everywhere in Germany, especially in larger clubs like Manhattan, FKK Palace, and Sharks.
There aren’t any special services or any additional care included in the services. The girls simply ask a lot more for half hour services. Extra services have only become more expensive. Over this one year, the industry had enough time to let the new laws sink in and it brought about a few changes.
Quick info: If you’re curious about what exactly these new prostitution laws are, check out this article about them:
How The Sex Industry Changed
Almost everyone has adapted to the new laws and this seems to be quite unsatisfying for a lot of pouters. This is because the prices have increased in plenty of establishments. They didn’t just go up in numerous German FKKs, but they had an effect on other countries as well. You guessed it, they have sunk into Austria, Vienna as well.
A good example of this is Goldentime Vienna’s “premium service”. It is a direct effect of what’s happening in neighboring Germany. There is nothing special about the “premium service”. The girls are only asking more for the same thing they have been offering for years. While the “standard service” has become worse. Girls in Goldentime Vienna are now demanding €100 for half an hour of care. The girls at Goldentime feel that this price is justified. They have set a new standard for the rest of the industry, which is spreading slowly but surely. Before we know it, it will become a real issue.
However, a lot of people are choosing Austria over Germany when it comes to visiting a brothel. The elevated prices still aren’t a thing here. In fact, they make a lot of clubs, even the overpriced Swiss club seem more reasonable.
Higher Prices in Babylon Hamburg
Numerous mongering forums are getting filled up with people reporting higher prices in Babylon Hamburg. However, Babylon is only one club of the many that have set their prices way higher recently. Before the laws would hit, you had to pay €65 for the entry fee and €60 for a girl. According to numerous mongers, these prices have doubled since then. Now you have to pay 100 – 150 euros for a blowjob with condom, maybe some additional deep French kissing. But that depends solely on the girl you’re with. Sadly, her service isn’t the only thing that sucks at Babylon.
If you want the real thing, you’ll have to pay at least 150 – 250 euros for half an hour or maybe an hour. It’s gotten ridiculously expensive. The girls keep very strictly to these new laws because it greatly benefits them. No wonder. But because of this, plenty of mongers are turning to alternative solutions like private prostitutes, street prostitutes and so on.
These recent changes in Germany are by no means pleasant for any money out there. But they have proven to be very beneficial for the girls. It seems that they will change the whole prostitution landscape soon, so we’ll keep our eyes peeled. Luckily, too much of virus hasn’t spread to Austria yet. But we are still unsure how it will effect the sex industry of our beloved country. In any case, you can be sure that we’ll report about it!