Brothels are special parts of the city where guests and sex workers can meet each other in a well-regulated and safe environment. This means that all of the places have their own rules and etiquette, that you should follow when visit them.
If you fail to do so, you can be ghosted by the ladies, or even worse, you can be escorted out from the building by the security personnel. In this article you can read the 5 most important thing how you have to behave in a high-class brothel in Vienna.
Overviews of don’ts:
- Never negotiate the prices
- Never disturb the other guests
- Never ask the girls for their private details
- Never force the girls for doing services they don’t offer
- Never ask the girls for doing something illegal
1. Never negotiate the prices
This is a number one golden rule of brothels, the prices are set to stone. A such place has a lot of expenses, and there is a huge competition on the market. However, the biggest brothels in Vienna, like Maxim Wien, Goldentime or Babylon are considered as the best places for sex in the city, they can’t ask an unlimited money for their services either.
If you start to negotiate the prices, you can show 2 kinds of image about you. First, maybe you are just a person who knows nothing about this industry, and tries to get the services cheaper. This will immediately ruin your initial reputation and you will hardly find a high-class sex worker who will take care of you.

Second, you might be considered as an aggressive and unsympathetic person, who wants just a problem instead of sex, and you will be escorted out of the place.
In both cases you will find yourself alone and you can try to find another place where you can try another behaviour.
2. Never disturb the other guests
This is again a golden rule, in a brothel you should take care of your business exclusively and never disturb the other guests. Of course, few words won’t hurt the other men, but if they are with another girl, never step into their chit-chat.
And even worse, you might think that this is a power game and you want to steal the girl from another men, transforming a basically good evening to a big argument. Never ever try to disturb a negotiation between a possible customer and a girl, or you will be removed from the place with the velocity of the light. If you want to the same sex worker, then chill a bit, wait until she is free again, and ask her to be your partner for the next period of time.
3. Never ask the girls for their private details
The girls are working as sex workers because it is their job. This is just another profession, however, much more interesting and liveful than the boring office jobs. When you ask a girl to have sex with you, you pay her and she will do her best to satisfy you. And that’s all, nothing more.
If you think that you deserve the girl’s private phone number or start to ask about her private life, you will be stopped by the sex worker. No girl working in a club wants to share her private life’s details with the guest and you should both focus on the provided services.
In case you won’t stop and go too much, the lady will leave you alone and you might be removed from the club by the security guards.
4. Never force the girls for doing services they don’t offer
Paid sex is a 2-way connection between you and the sex worker. You tell her what are your plans and which services you need, and she will provide as much of them as she is comfortable it. She is not a robot or a slave who must fulfil all of your needs, especially if you have special requests.

Don’t panic, if you are a fan of fetishes or bizarre services, there will be enough sex worker in Vienna who can help you with them. But this does not mean that all of the ladies in the brothels must act the same, as they also have their preferred services. If you go too far and try to force the sex works in a brothel to do unwanted services, it is the minimum that the security guys won’t treat you too gentle. And if you do something illegal, you might be faced with legal consequences as wel.
5. Never ask the girls for doing something illegal
It is a common misconception that girls who are working in brothels, have good connection to the criminals. This must be because of the 1980s American movies, where criminals spent their times in cheap brothels, surrounding by sex workers and they were never caught by the police.
To be honest, Vienna has one of the best regulated sex scene in the world, where authorities strictly checks the brothels and the girls have to undergo regular health check and get their license from the Police to work.
If you ask a sex worker to do something illegal, for example provide you with drugs, then you don’t understand how the sex scene is working in the Austrian capital. No girls will risk their everyday job to sell drugs or other illegal substances and the places won’t risk their closure either.
It can happen that if you ask a girl for such thing then you will finish your evening at the local police office or you will be kicked off from the brothel.
If you are in a top-notch brothel in Vienna and looking for sex with one of the girls, don’t do these things:
- Don’t try to negotiate the prices
- Don’t disturb the other guests
- Don’t ask the girls for their phone number or about their private life
- Don’t try to force the girls to provide services that they don’t want to
- Don’t ask anything illegal because the girls don’t have connection to criminals
Have you already found the best place in the city? We have a comprehensive list about the best brothels in Vienna, click on the button and open the article in a new window: